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Learn To Swim

At Carole Park Pool Swim School we aim to develop more confident and safe swimmers. Our Five levels provides the fundamentals and skills for the student to progress to the next level with confidence and still enjoying lessons.

Class Levels

Free Assesment
  1. Face in the Water

  2. Pick toy off

  3. Instructor

  4. Floating on Back

  5. Fall in pool and return to wall

Free Asssesment
  1. Stream line front and back

  2. Crawl stroke front and back

  3. Introduction to Butterfly kick

  4. Introduction to Breaststroke kick

Free Assesment
  1. Swim Crawl stroke with breathing

  2. Swim Backstroke in correct position

  3. Breaststroke kick and arm technique

  1. Swim 12.5mts comfortably

  2. Bi-Lateral Breathing

  3. Introduction to turns

Free Assesment
  1. Swim 25mts 

  2. Introduction to fins

  3. Able to complete all four strokes.

  4. 45 minutes classes

Squad Training

Carole Park Pool runs squads Monday to Friday mornings from 5.30am and Monday to Thursday afternoon starting at 4pm.
Saturday morning starts at 8.00am.

Junior squad for those that are just starting out and need extra correction.
Senior Squad for the advanced competitive swimmer looking to continue their swimming journey

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